Wilesmith Passes Award Baton To Colony Hotel
As the 2010 winner of the Bernays Award for a branding campaign for our great client, MorseLife, I had the pleasure of presenting this year’s Award to Ruth Young of the Colony Hotel for the hotel’s campaign to promote the 10th anniversary of its fabulous Royal Room cabaret. (If you haven’t been, go!) The Bernays Award is the most prestigious award given out on an annual basis by the Gold Coast PR Council, and the selection is made by the GCPRC’s Board of Directors to a person or institution that really goes the extra mile to support the local PR Industry. The winners in all categories were fantastic, but since branding is my particular area of interest, it was great both to be a winner last year and to honor the Colony Hotel this year.
Margaret Wilesmith presents Bernays Award to The Colony Hotel’s Ruth Young
Wilesmith Advertising | Design is a full-service branding and marketing firm that distinguishes itself by thought leadership, conceptual creativity, execution excellence…and plain good fun. We have been recognized by the Advertising Federation for having “raised the bar” for creative thinking, design and advertising in South Florida; by the Design Center of the Americas’ as the “Graphic Design Firm of the Year”, and by the advertising industry with over 350 professional awards.